File > New Project > Version Control > Git.SSH: use 2: Clone the new GitHub repository to your computer via RStudio.Remember which authentication method you configured when you set up Git. C:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin/git.exe (Windows).If it still doesn’t work, quit and re-launch RStudio if there’s any doubt in your mind about whether you opened RStudio before or after installing Git.įrom RStudio, go to Tools > Global Options > Git/SVN and make sure that the box Git executable points to the Git executable. If Git appears to be installed and findable, launch RStudio and try again. If you are not sure where the git executable lives, try this in a shell: If you get a complaint about git not being found, it means installation was unsuccessful or that it is not being found, i.e. RStudio can only act as a GUI front-end for Git if Git has been successfully installed AND RStudio can find it.Ī basic test for successful installation of git is to simply enter git in the shell. If this worked, you can delete the project.Do you see a “Git” tab in the upper right pane, the same one that has “Environment” and “History”? If yes, good. Give this test project a name and click “Create Project”.Do you see a checkbox “Create a git repository”? If yes, good. Do you see an option to create from Version Control? If yes, good. Make sure RStudio can find Git If everything installed correctly… You only have to do this once per machine.